Traveling Preacher Man

The Spiritual Voyage: Healing, Unity, and Divine Intervention

September 10, 2023 Silas E. Crawford Season 4 Episode 1
Traveling Preacher Man
The Spiritual Voyage: Healing, Unity, and Divine Intervention
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever pondered the transformative power of faith and prayer? Ponder no more, as we embark on a soul-stirring journey exploring how these two elements harmonize to heal and transform lives. We hear from the courageous Evangelist Silas Crawford, who shares his heartrending experience of open-heart surgery. His story unveils how faith and prayer not only carried him through this challenging period but also delivered an overwhelming sense of peace and healing.

Our spiritual voyage doesn't stop there. We dive into the life-altering narrative of Peter, whose anger was quelled through divine intervention from Jesus. We also listen to Evangelist Silas Crawford' captivating tale about his 31/2 week mission from God in the hospital, leading to his spiritual purification. Through these stories, we emphasize how, akin to gold refined by fire, we can all rise stronger after life's trials with God's grace. 

As we steer our episode towards its conclusion, we shed light on how emotions like jealousy can hamper our spiritual growth and disrupt unity within religious communities. We underline the importance of spiritual cleansing through God's word rather than man-made traditions. Above all, we stress the essence of walking with Jesus, irrespective of the hurdles along the path. Wrapping up, we delve into the pivotal role of faith and unity in Jesus's ministry, reminding listeners that our hearts need to be ripe for God's blessings. So tune in, as we explore these profound spiritual concepts and inspire you to seek deeper connections with the divine.

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Speaker 1:

So maybe we'll get into this. This is going to be a solid initiative. We're starting out next to a few two or three weeks in a row, but I forgot to announce the saddest politics. But I was thinking. The sport didn't work out.

Speaker 1:

You know what's wrong with church nowadays. You know we used to our hearts got to be in the church to serve God just over and over. I was at the early age of this morning, praying, reaching out to the Lord, and I was thinking. The Lord told us that.

Speaker 1:

You know, people worship me through their religious, but their heart is far from me. I do not speak, god, I want my heart to be in no state. I don't want this to be a little praise. And you know I go home from church. You know, the same old plant, the same plant. See, this is the heart of that church.

Speaker 1:

You know that's what Jesus came to do is to change this. That's the Lord. But we just have to be honest. So you know, if you pray the same, you think it will work and it comes from those lips, but when it comes from the heart, that's what God does for us. I want that heart built and the magic I want God to put created in me, be the right spirit. So I believe that I want God to not let it be just my outward, outward, deflaced, my heart be in me. You know when your heart is in something. You know about everything that God did to you and I just think that God is so good to have a place to come. I'm the worst Jesus man. I'm the place that all over the world have.

Speaker 2:

That's the worst job I can do.

Speaker 1:

You know they have to go under the roof and I was telling the apostles. I said there's people all over the world. You know we don't see it. They're giving their lives for the name of Jesus. So I don't want to. You know we don't want to be persecuted, but we don't want to be persecuted. I'm going to take this one in now. I could have done that. I've been calling this street for a few days and she's got a phone and of course she's one of those you know.

Speaker 3:

No greater place than a man or a woman can be is in the house of the Lord. Amen, great book for Pastor White calling us to come. This is my first time in four months preaching since I've had open heart surgery, and I am trusting that God will still move after we have an open heart surgery. Now there's a scripture that comes to mind right now in Hebrews 1.

Speaker 3:

Now, faith is the substance of things told for the evidence of things not seen. We may be able to see it. We may not be able to touch it, but it can get down inside of us and wipe something up in us. That's more. I'd like to testify just for a few moments of what the Lord did for me while this whole situation was going on. I have been feeling pretty poor since the last time we had come up here to Baines, very weak in body, can hardly hold my head up, can hardly walk Me, and my beautiful wife, sister Cassandra, was sitting out in the bed one evening talking and I checked my blood pressure and it kept going higher. It kept going higher.

Speaker 2:

And it kept going higher.

Speaker 3:

It didn't look like it was going to end. It just kept climbing higher and higher. I finally told her. I said, honey, it's time. She said time for what I said. It's time that we need to go to the emergency room. Got to the emergency room.

Speaker 3:

They do blood work. My troponin levels is the levels in your blood that let's them know whether you're getting ready to have a heart attack or stroke. They came into my room and said your troponin levels are through the roof. They are skyrocketed high. Little did we know while we were talking at the house I had already had a heart attack. Things can happen to you and you won't even know it.

Speaker 3:

We got in there. I spent seven days. They did absolutely nothing. The doctor came in. She said we can do one of three things. We can do nothing. That didn't seem like a very wise choice. She said we could put heart stents in. That's only going to last for a little while. She said we can do open heart surgery. I didn't think I was 43 years old and I was going to have to have open heart surgery. They said you have two clock blocked arteries. Your main coronary, the widowmaker artery, has 90% clog in your body. You have another artery that is over 80% blocked next to it. I looked at my wife and said I guess the best of the three is let's do the open heart. I didn't want to have to go through this again.

Speaker 2:

So they scheduled this open heart surgery they took me down into an equating area.

Speaker 3:

that morning, my dad and my bonus mom had flown in from Ohio with another brother from the church up there. My family in Dallas was there, but most of all Dr Jesus was there. I don't know the heart surgeon came in. Her name is Dr Ford. She came in and she said the last thing that I'd like to do before I leave the room is I'd like to pray for the family.

Speaker 2:

Now, when you've got a doctor that had talked to Dr Jesus you've got somebody better on your side.

Speaker 3:

And she went to pray. Then I heard another voice coming down the hallway around the curtain. It was a pastor friend of mine there in San Antonio. I didn't even know. He knew I was in there. Pastor one side said I've been looking for you for an hour. He buzzed up in that room and we started having a chain reaction prayer revival right there in that room. See, prayer is something that you can do anywhere at all times. The heart surgeon prayed, then pastor one size prayed. Pastor Vance, master from Fort Worth, prayed. My dad prayed he was a wonderful man of God.

Speaker 2:

And when they were all done praying.

Speaker 3:

I said I've got to do one more thing. I said I've got to pray for y'all. I said because I want the spirit of God to move and keep your heart's comforted. No matter what way this goes, no matter what way I come out, I want you to know that I'm in the Lord's hands.

Speaker 3:

And when you're in the Lord's hands, you're in the best hands that you can ever be in the existence of this world, because when the Lord's by you, honey, there ain't nothing that you cannot get through. Praise the Lord. They took me down for operation. Everything seemed like it was going good.

Speaker 3:

At three o'clock the next morning my wife had to rush back to the emergency room. They had to rush me into emergency heart surgery again. Had a buzz in my chest open all over again, so he's full of blood clots. I was gone. I couldn't care how long I was gone, but that doctor worked on me and she took her hands in my heart and she massaged my heart and she'll all those blood clots was gone. We need Jesus to get inside of our heart and he needs to get his hands in there and he needs to massage until he gets his blood clots out of the heart. I feel the Holy Oath where I'm talking about this morning.

Speaker 2:

I stayed in that hospital for three and a half weeks laying on the flat of my back.

Speaker 3:

Every time I would get up I would pass out. Sometimes, when I pass out, I would pass out with convulsions Because there is something not right in my blood. You can walk around like a ticking time bomb and not know what's in your blood.

Speaker 3:

You can walk around like a ticking time bomb and know not what's in your heart. But God's coming to deliver us from the matters of the heart. I want to read a few scriptures. If you have your Bibles this morning, please be patient with me. This is my first time preaching since the heart surgery. I'm going to mind the Lord and I'm going to try to be as sophisticated as I possibly can this morning and stay right here. Then the book of Proverbs, the fourth chapter, the 23rd verse. We can find the same man Keep thy heart with all diligence. What's that third word? Keep thy heart with all diligence? For out of it are the issues of life. We think the issues of life come from every situation that goes on around us.

Speaker 3:

But the issues of life are not from nowhere, but inside your heart. This morning.

Speaker 3:

In the book of Matthew, the 12th chapter and the 34th verse reads O generation of Icarus, how can ye be evil, speak good things. For out of the abundance of the heart, the myospeakest, a good man, out of the good treasures of the heart, bringeth forth good things. And an evil man, of the evil treasures, bringeth forth evil things. The matters of the church are not matters of the galtry, they're not matters of church decension, they're not matters of church arguments. They're matters of the heart of the people in the church. See, I'm learning that what I eat eventually is what I'll become. And if I eat a bunch of hand hocks and breeze and bright taters that's what I grew up on then one day my heart's going to be full of hand-hawk breeze and baking breeze and a bunch of junk.

Speaker 3:

So they'll make this body go on a diet, and I hate a diet. I have to eat. I eat a lot of green lettuce and I hate it. If it's green, it's mean.

Speaker 2:

So I try not to eat. I don't like it.

Speaker 3:

I despise it. It's not my best thing to eat, but it's healthy for you.

Speaker 3:

And we listen to all kinds of complaining and backbiting and don't forgive this, and hatred and malice, and we think we can go on about our business. But guess what's happening? Our hearts are getting full of the plaque of this world. It may not happen right now that you hear somebody over time. Well, I don't feel good all the time. Did you see what's so and so warred to church on Sunday? Man, I just don't like the way they say. I always got to give us a different pastor. We need a different pastor. And you know what you're doing You're giving yourself spiritual coronary artery disease. 16.3 million Americans from the age 20 and over all have caused some kind of coronary artery disease.

Speaker 3:

And if there's that many in the world, then there's got to be 63.3 million Christians who have spiritual coronary artery disease. Well, the pastor said to do it, but I just don't feel it. There goes some more junk in your arteries. I don't like what the Bible says. You're packing your arteries full of mess and good and grease. Can't get them all into church house, can't shake blood in those hands, see each other walking down the street and walking out of the way. You know what you have. You have coronary artery disease and God is coming to deliver his people back to the homeless again.

Speaker 3:

He had a hatred for the Ninevites. Do you know why Jota had a hatred for the Ninevites? Because the Ninevites killed his family and he did not want God to bless them people and he had a spirit of hatred and a spirit of murder Against those people. To the place where he decided no, I'm not going, god, to Nineva, I'm going to Tarsus. Spiritual heart disease, cramming in arteries, full of hate. Do you know God will call a people that were not his people and make them his people, a people that was looked down, that was not a Hebrew people. God took the Ninevites and he blessed them and made them his people for 400 years and then God destroyed them. But do you know why he did that? He did that to get that malice out of the heart of Jota, that he could be the man of God and God intended for him to be.

Speaker 3:

God has put some of us. Let me make this statement right here. Last October, before I married my beautiful wife, I just came back from Kansas four months in the 10th revival, the Lord spoke to me. He said I want more of your time.

Speaker 3:

I said Lord can you give me just a little time? This wedding's on us, we have the banks, christmas, december meetings coming on us and if you'll give me just a little time for these to pass, I'll give you that time. The Lord allotted me that time. January comes, the Lord starts talking to me. I need a little bit of your time, lord. Meet my new wife's trying to make a life and we're working. I need just a little bit more time than the Lord spoke. He says. Since you won't give it to me, I'm going to take it from you.

Speaker 3:

The Lord spoke to Pastor Brooks one morning in prayer. He said I'm getting ready to get his attention. I asked for his time and he spelled to give it to me. So I'm fixing to lay a flat on his back and I'm going to take that time. God will do whatever he has to do to get your attention. If he's placed his hand on you, he'll do whatever it takes in his power to get you where he wants you to be. Here. I'm in the hospital Three and a half weeks flat on my back.

Speaker 3:

Every time I'd stand up, I'd pass out. I started singing Please be patient with me. God is not through with me yet. When God gets through with me, when God gets through with me, I shall come out. I shall come out as pure gold. You may not look like gold to nobody else, but when you do, when Jesus asks you to do it, you're worth more than gold. Honey, you're worth more than silver. You're worth more than diamonds and rubies, because when he places his hand on you, he has a work for you to do.

Speaker 3:

I'm an outdoors person. I like to spend time outside with a friend. Three and a half weeks in that house, would like to go and be crazy. I mean I was. It was driving me back crazy and I pray God, get me out of here. You didn't answer me and I talk about. I was nervous as a cat on a hot 10 roof. Get me out of here. It's driving me mad. I'm going to lose my mind and for the body, the Lord spoke to me. He said when you've reached the last person that I've sent you in here for, I'll let you go home. So, sister militia, I started reaching out. The doctors were coming in and I was telling doctors about Dr Jesus. The nurses were coming in. I was telling them how I could minister the medicine of Dr Jesus to them.

Speaker 2:

When the cleaning lady came in.

Speaker 3:

I was telling her how she could clean her life up and serve this Dr Jesus, and it ain't about you or me or how we feel. It's about being in the center of a perfect little God. I don't know what's your time. Peter Jesus sorry. Speaks to Peter in the book of Matthew. Get bowed behind me, Satan. Am I on the word this morning?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Let's go pray. They get down. They can't carry four hours, but when the soldiers can, the abundance of the heart, the mouth speakers. Peter had so much anger in his heart.

Speaker 3:

He had coronary artery disease and he took the sword off the soldier and caught Malchus ear completely off. And he was the one that Jesus said and for thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. But when you're fully converted, most of us need a heart conversion. I thought a lot of things while I was in that hospital room.

Speaker 3:

And the Lord spoke to me. You needed a heart conversion 48 minutes. When my wife came to look at me before I went to the end of the second emergency surgery, I was no longer there. I was just a shell, just a piece of clay. Ventilator's not even helping, no oxygen's still getting to my body.

Speaker 1:

But I woke up and I looked up and I've seen the most beautiful face that I've ever seen.

Speaker 3:

And he had blue and hair and his eyes were so pure and it looked like olive oil running down his skin and I looked just beyond that man and just beyond him was a veil and a wall. And on the other side of that wall there was a tree, and out that tree were silver and gold leaves and it was shining like the sun. And then that man named Jesus, he spoke to me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

He said it's not time for you, I still have need of thee. And he took that right nail-star hammer of the wife, he placed it over my face and he plunged me through water.

Speaker 2:

And as I was going through that, water for the day.

Speaker 3:

I could still see his smile and all of a sudden I woke up and I see you on a ventilator where I hadn't even been awake. It wasn't even in my body for 48 hours. They told my wife he'll be out for the next day or two. Don't be alarmed. When she walked in that room past her fletcher, my eyes were wide awake, because when you see Jesus face to face, there's no blindness, there's no more heart disease, there's no more cancer, there's no more hatred, there's no more remission, because all you want to do is tell somebody how great this man called Jesus is, how great this man called Jesus is how great this man called Jesus is.

Speaker 2:

How great this man called Jesus is.

Speaker 3:

I prayed for years. I want a visitation from God. I want Him to lay hands on me, like he did, the man of God, when he put that bone back in His leg and he touched many others. Brother Branham, I prayed for years. I want you to touch me. I want that visitation from you. But I didn't know I'd be in death when it came. But something inside of me woke up my wife. Something inside of my heart changed.

Speaker 3:

It changed from the old creature that I was that the old creature tried to serve the Lord for 30 years. But this time it's different. This time there's a love that's never been there before. There's a hunger after righteousness, not the law of Moses, but the righteousness of God. Praise is Holy Name. We can read in 2 Corinthians 11, chapter 3 verse but I fearless by any means as a servant begotten to His subtlety, so your mind should be corrupt from the simplicity that is in Christ. This thing that does that, that's not the heart that makes you the heart that pumps blood.

Speaker 3:

But the heart that God's talking about is Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus. That walk is not after the flesh. Hey, if this old, fleshly heart gives out, I know what Scripture says I'll take a heart of stone out of you and I'll place within you a fleshy heart, a heart of love, a heart that's pure, and if we'll listen to the heart of God, he will make us clean and whole. We don't need another dance in this shouting revival. We need a revival where we're back on our knees, crying out for the mercies of God. He said I'll turn the heart of the fathers to the children and I'll turn the children's heart back to the father and God's trying to turn our heart back to him in the holiest of the gospel, and we resist.

Speaker 3:

How can we resist such a great salvation? I wake up every day and I say thank you, jesus. The nurses made excuses to stay longer in my room. The doctors would make excuses to sit in my room and just talk. The physical therapist would come into my room, not even a new physical therapy, but just to have casual conversation. The cleaning lady would come into my room and sit at the side of a chair to have a conversation. Do you know why? It wasn't because I had heart surgery.

Speaker 3:

It's because the heart surgery had me and the spirit of God was in my room and the peace of God that passed with all understanding was their presence.

Speaker 3:

Do you know you can change your atmosphere this morning. Do you really believe that? And I don't know how we can still just sit and not do nothing. I'm going to church Most people, I'm going to church and the pastor's going to say the prayer, is going to pray the same that prayers and the testifiers are going to give the same testimonies of how good the devil's been to him, and the pastor's going to get up and just say a few words and try to sound good. But what God's trying to do is he's trying to clean our hearts from the inside out. He's trying to purge us from the things of this world. He's trying to purge us from the things of religion. He's trying to purge us and clean us up and make our whole, our healthy again.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Gina, when this stops, the rest of it stops. But if this isn't my Christ, jesus, honey, you're going to live forever. Your heart makes sound, but once that mind gets set free, please be patient with me. God is not through with me yet, because when God gets through with you, you will be the express image of himself. He won't look like Brother Daniel, no more. He won't look like Sister Melissa no more. He won't look like Sister Crawford, no more.

Speaker 2:

And that's our problems.

Speaker 3:

right now we're trying to look like William Brandham's and we're trying to look like these TV preachers when Christ is telling us look like me, get my attributes, get my clothing, my burdens easy and my yoke is light. Press upon me and fill up me and taste and see that the Lord is good. I didn't expect all this this morning. Hard doctors tell them we don't get too excited. I don't know how you can't get excited and talk about this Jesus.

Speaker 2:

I told my doctor.

Speaker 3:

I said you may have put knives to me and cups to me and I said I'm going to get my stuff.

Speaker 2:

I said I'm going to get my stuff. I said I'm going to get my stuff.

Speaker 3:

You may have put knives to me and cups to me and put me back together. I know a man named Jesus who created it without a knife, who created it without a vessel. He spoke the word and his body came together whole.

Speaker 2:

I know the whole shataya you know what the issues are in your home.

Speaker 3:

They're the issues of life and you know what the issues of life come out of. You're unclean hearts. Somebody say man, you know what the issues are in your home. You know what the issues are in your home. You know what the issues are in your home. If you have lust in your heart, you'll have problems in your home. If you have anger and malice in your heart, you'll have anger and malice in your home. Tell you about a little situation. It's not always peaceful in the proper house, Not always peaceful.

Speaker 3:

I have a mother-in-law that's lived her whole life with her husband, who's now passed away, and it's not easy living with somebody all the time and sometimes we want to have a power struggle. How you doing. We want to have our say, we want to hold our ground. Just this week, just this week, I said I want my office back. That bedroom suit needs to come out of my office so I can have my office back. So guess what happened? We got that bed together, took it apart, took it into the other office it's bigger and I had my office back and you know what kind of hell and torment it caused Just having that office back.

Speaker 2:

You're making me.

Speaker 3:

It caused confusion. It took away the peace in our home. People are not speaking to each other.

Speaker 2:

And I talk about the issues of life, not a fake.

Speaker 3:

Thing. It says. It adds to world terms.

Speaker 2:

I got back down to quarrels.

Speaker 3:

I've been working in Quarrel for three weeks. I got down there and boy, I was happy, I got my office back. Some of you mean, when I'm talking about you, get to take something back that was, took from you and you'll glow. Don't have to glow like a pig. And you just jumped out of a sloppy hole. Man, I was happy, I got my office and then all of a sudden I didn't feel so right, no more. I had my happiness, but while I obtained my happiness, I lost my joy in my integrity of God. I called my wife up. I said I'm making an executive decision. Sometimes we just got to do that. I said I'm making an executive decision and no one left to follow. That bed is going back in that room.

Speaker 2:

She said are you?

Speaker 3:

sure about that.

Speaker 2:

I said I'm not what the Holy Ghost is.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 3:

I began to cry because the Holy Ghost spoke to me and said what would you rather have? My peace and joy or your happiness is just going to fade away in just a little while. It's time that we get ourselves cleaned up and cleaned up and ready for the Holy Ghost to come, with peace and joy and the Holy Ghost into our hearts again, into our homes again. We don't want to give in. Sometimes Am I hard to get the clog back up. It's so garbage. Because when you get cleaned out, I don't want to eat a bunch of tortillas like I love them was raised on. I don't want to eat all these enchiladas, all this good stuff that I was raised on. I want to be proactive and take care of my body and we think more about this flesh.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I got diabetes. I got to go on a diabetic diet. I got chronic heart disease. I got to go on a heart out diet. No honey, you need to have a good diet of Jesus. That don't mean you just slingshot, do anything you want to do, but when you be cleaned up, you don't want nothing else to mess it up, and that goes for people in your life. When you cleaned up a situation in your heart. You don't want to get back into the situation where you have to have that spirit against that man or woman again. Most problems in our churches deal with one word.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

This one's jealous of that one. Well, he can play the piano better than I can, or she can sing better than I can, or he can preach better than I can, or he can't preach as good as me. These are the issues of the heart. We have revival spirit that comes in, but until our hearts get cleaned out from the inside out, it can't last, because there's going to be obstruction somewhere and God's trying to plunge us and clean us and dig us until he gets us to where he wants us to be. Now, if I'm not preaching the word, you just tell me, I'm preaching the word.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry if it's not what some of you want to hear and I know for the white men's what happened All that prayer we've been through, what's happened when we can't even come to the house of God on the Sabbath day and not crawl around the altar, and we've been crying against the spirit of God and then treat Him to come back into us. I told somebody. I said I've got to go to Baines. They said, oh, you'll have a shot in time Saturday morning I said no, I won't. It's not what the Lord wants right now. He wants us to know that if we will get in the Word, we are kept and begotten by the Word. The Word will clean us. The Bible said His Word was like a fuller soap. It'll clean us out, It'll clean us in and when we get in the Word, it'll pour the Word back on us and wash us light of snow all over again.

Speaker 3:

I've lost my connection with God. It's because you have no connection to the blood flow of Christ. You've piled yourself so much with God's touch. I'm not saying this church, I'm talking about God's church. We piled ourselves with a bunch of religion and it's blood to suck. Some traditions are great, but eating biscuits and gravy and sausage and bacon every morning is a tradition that we're going to have to break. And I know you might see that as fleshly, but I'm talking about spiritually. You get that bunch of hand-bath hand-bath. It ain't going to do nothing but plug you up Because we give ourselves over to seducing spirits and doctors and devils and we look to man more than we look to God.

Speaker 3:

And the reason why the prophets have been took off the scene as they are now is God's trying to give us a coronary artery replacement and bring us back to what is in Him. Well, it sounds like you don't love the man of God. Look at the tarot as much as anybody else in here. But we've relied on the man of God too much and now we have people coming through the same prayer lines, every service that the Word has still not healed, because they always want a man, they always want their hands to be laid on. There's going to be a time that I prophesy. You call me a liar or whatever, I don't care. We've got to be a time in this life that the Word is enough for itself.

Speaker 3:

Me and brother Daniel brother Wyatt was talking this morning. This interior man told Jesus and you're done, I'm unworthy for you to come to my house, but if you'll just speak the Word and all he's trying to do is clean us out Not clean this out of everybody else, he's trying to clean this out of ourselves. He's trying to clean this out of our pride. He's trying to clean this out of our anger.

Speaker 3:

Our maliciousness and I've got maybe just one or two more scriptures.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was thinking about Paul.

Speaker 3:

Before I get into that. The apostle Paul was just not a normal man. He was a very well educated man. In the Hebrews he was a doctor of law. His teacher was Gamalia. Gamalia was the highest priest teacher that there was in Paul's days, and in Jesus' days Paul studied under Gamalia. So Paul knew what the law of the Hebrews were, frontwards and backwards, and he packed him into his heart, crammed him into his heart, until all that knowledge of law turned into a hate and a rage and a murdering spirit To persecute the children of God.

Speaker 3:

But when you have an experience with Jesus for yourself. Paul, on the road to Damascus, what was he doing? They say he was on his way from Stonestief and he was going into another town to pursue for more Christians to persecute. But on his walk Now I don't know if he was alone, that he wasn't alone, as Jesus had said it, and a great light shone upon him. He was completely blind to the ground.

Speaker 3:

Who are that Lord? The heart I already spoke of. I'm Jesus. Come now, persecute us.

Speaker 3:

The heart knows what's right and when you get into presence of God, you know you're in the presence of God. But when we get into presence of God. Brother Fletcher, we just want to do this. They don't want to do nothing else. But when I get into that place, brother Fletcher, I want to be like David Creating the atlean heart. Oh God, every new right spirit within me, cast me not away from my presence and take that Holy Spirit from me, but restore unto me the joy of thy salvation. There's joy in serving Jesus. God. Heart disease you can jump for joy, and there's joy in Jesus. I wish I seen a few other of you doing that. It's morning.

Speaker 3:

He said let's read this verse, verse 9. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived by the border caters. Heart disease. No idolaters. Heart disease. No adulterers heart disease. No feminists. Heart disease. No abusers of themselves, of mankind heart disease. No thieves heart disease. No covenants heart disease. No drunkards heart disease. No revilers heart disease. No extortioners heart disease. Shall inherit the kingdom of God. I just read you a list of heart diseases. They're more deadly than going out there eating a five-gallon bucket of lard a day. This is the verse. I'd like to get to. Verse 11, and such were some of you. Ah, and such were some of you, not me. No, I could never do anything like that. Jesus needs to shut your mouth and get that lion spirit out of you. Not me, no, not you. You got a pride spirit. Jesus can't pull that out of you, honey. You got to pull it out for yourself.

Speaker 3:

You got to be washing the word. Nothing matters in this life but that word, not the man, not the woman, not the car, not the church, nothing matters in this life but this word, and such were some of you, even though you have a high and mighty spirit, deny it. But ye are washed. Did I mention about fool or soap just a little while ago? Fool or soap they take fool or soap and when they melt gold and silver in it they pour that down in there and it takes all the impurities out of whatever they're trying to clean. If you want to shine like pure gold, you'll have to get some fool or soap in here. If you want to get rid of this heart disease, you'll have to get some Lord Jesus soap in you this morning. But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God.

Speaker 3:

I love everyone here, but if you don't like me, I don't give one. I over. I don't care if you like Mary, you don't, because Jesus loves her. I don't care if you ever want to hear me preach again, because I'm going to preach you what the word of God says. We need more word. We dance and shout, and I love to do it, and when it comes, it comes, it's in a trifle place.

Speaker 3:

But the Bible didn't say my people started starving for lack of dancing and shouting and screaming or speaking in unknown tongues or rolling around on the floors. He said my people are person for the lack of knowledge of the word. You want to get these things out of your heart, you better get in the way. I went on the quero. My nerves shot over that office. I thought I was happy, but soon that happiness turned to mourning. I drove all the way to quero with a heavy heart and prayed and cried, and prayed and cried and went to work, working on the church, praying and crying. Got back to the parsonage for the pastor, praying, praying and crying, until my heart was cleaning up to hear the voice of God. We want to do our own thing. We happy when we get to do our own thing. We're happy when we get to preach what we want to preach and we get to go where we want to go.

Speaker 3:

But I thought, as the Christians, when we gave our life to Christ, we told Him you do with me whatever you want to, you take me wherever you want to, you make me whatever you want to, because of what the scripture said. He said I am the potter and you are the clay, and the clay cannot tell the potter what he shall be. I'm here to take today. When you get yourself in the hands of the potter's hands, he'll turn you into something glorious, something beautiful that the world will not understand, but Jesus will get the glory and Jesus will get the praise. I told you when I came out of this. I said, when I was standing in the presence of God, face to face, like I'm looking at you, he's looking back at me. And he spoke with me, not with his mouth, because out of the brothers of the heart, the mouth speakers, but the eyes don't lie. And he spoke with me in his eyes and he said I love you and I still have need of you. And, brother Franklin, he said that something rose up inside of me. He may have been a midget before, but he's a giant today.

Speaker 3:

Hey man, it doesn't matter what I look like to man. I'm tired of worrying about what man thinks. I'm tired of worrying about what man wants. I'm going to do what God has for me and my wife to do, even if it hairlips every devil in the world. Because if it comes to time where it's got to be about just you and Jesus, it's got to be a time where children have to be pushed off, grandbabies have to be pushed off, hunts and wives have to be pushed away.

Speaker 3:

It is time to get into a secret place with God where you can supplicate with him and he can come, suck with you and he can say well done my good and faithful servant even faithful, I'm done of a whole short time. Nobody wants to push nothing away. We want to be like the maddened calf all the time. We want to eat T-bones and sirloins, and then I hate chicken anymore. We want to eat this chicken and all this, all this seafood stuff, when all Jesus wants to do is say come, eat this little 11-bedded, 11-pressed bread of me. Take the meat, for in thy body it'll be bitter, but in thy belly it shall be sweet. He just wants us to take a little piece of him. Wow, now I'd expect to get this excited today. Thank you, jesus. Jesus is excited Because I had the enemy torment. In either days You're going to get up there. Your blood pressure is going to get all the way back. I don't care if it blows all out right now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I can walk with you, sister militia. May I take your hand, sister, I can walk with you and we can walk up this road and we can turn around and we can walk back the same road and we may have a good conversation, but that may be as good as it gets, but if we get Jesus in the midst of our conversation, honey, that's a walk that you came from away from. Hey, they're coming. I feel my help coming along now. Here they're coming. They're walking down the road to Meias. Two men, two men, excuse me, brother, and they're talking. You know he got crucified. You know he may have been a good man, he may have been a bad man, but I thought he's a good man. And they kept on walking. But then a third man come upon, walking with him and he began to tell him who Jesus?

Speaker 3:

is hey man. And you know what they said to him. They said how did we not know that there was a man? Because as he walked and talked with us, he did our hearts hurt, within us, it is something changing us. How did we not know?

Speaker 2:

Ah lonely, that's right.

Speaker 3:

I say that to say this Walking with Jesus pays off. You may be walking down the dustiest road of your life. It may be the loneliest road of your life, but, honey, I tell you, if you'll just keep walking with Jesus, he'll never leave you and he'll never forsake you. He'll be on your left side. And he'll be on your right side. He says I'll go before you and I'll run against you. I'll have you over top of you and underneath of you, because you are mine. Hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, that's right.

Speaker 3:

It's a hard thing. He's trying to give us a new heart. I'm going to recoup the scripture game. Let this mine, amen. When you say mine, that means the heart. Let this heart be a new heart. It's just our soul and Christ Jesus that walks down after the flesh. I ain't walking after my lake account the day where Jesus had hey, where'd Jesus go? I got to get with Jesus. I got to get to Jesus. I got to be around Jesus, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

I got to be where Jesus is.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, jesus.

Speaker 3:

I'm the road to Emmaus. Thank you, jesus. And Jesus received out of their sight.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, jesus. I'm getting a heart burn like that. Thank you, jesus. You know why that hurt.

Speaker 3:

It's a burden. It's a burden on all that fat, all that ugliness, all that malice, all that strife, all that bitterness, all that jealousy, all that chaff. When they were walking with him, he was burning all that out of him.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, thank you, thank you, jesus. We still need to burn.

Speaker 3:

His burning means purification. Thank you, jesus. And we've had too many people who put so much effort into this. We've had too many people who put we've had too many preachers put strange fire on our altars and say idiot where you go, idiot where you do is okay. I'm here to tell you that's exactly what happened to Eli's sons. They put strange fire upon the altar and guess what happened to them? God took them out of there Because God's got one fire and it came down on the day of Pentecost. Amen.

Speaker 2:

They see tongues of coal and fire All rained upon their heads and they spoke in tongues.

Speaker 3:

as the spirit of God gave them utterance, let's go.

Speaker 2:

Here we go.

Speaker 3:

I got it. Please be patient with me. I don't know God is not through with me.

Speaker 2:

Hey, this is me, something we should be telling everybody all the time, please be patient with me.

Speaker 3:

Show yourself what's wrong. Ill Grant you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Daniel, be patient with me.

Speaker 2:

Because God's not through with me.

Speaker 3:

Hey brother, be patient with me, because God is not through with me. Sherbrooke B12. Hey brother, be patient with me. God is not through with me. Creature, be patient with me. God's not through with me. Brother, instruct me to be patient with me, because God's not through with me.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I'm a flyaway right now.

Speaker 3:

I tell them every day Jesus be patient with me. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying to pull that out of my heart.

Speaker 2:

God and I told him after I had heart surgery.

Speaker 3:

I said if you can take a heart that's been cut on or you can take a heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh, this heart that they put needles in and said spatula's in and scavilla's in, and tore it apart and put it back together. You can just grab a new one right up in this place. But one thing that keeps us away from it is a little four letter word fear. We're afraid of what's going to happen if we turn loose of everything that's got a bound of us. If you do not pray for everything, well, turn loose off of him.

Speaker 2:

Come on somebody.

Speaker 3:

It's time to get free from these things. I know, glory to God, fear is a bad thing, and fear hits me every once in a while, tries to give me these opandic attacks, and I've had these heart surgeries. But you know what I've got to do. I'm walking. All in Jesus, just the same. Well, glory, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

The only fear that needs to be in our hearts is the fear of God, and he's not talking about you walking on eight shells. You can't be in love with somebody, in court with somebody and walk on eight shells all the time. Fear needs to love and to respect and to honor and to cherish and to be obedient with love.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know how this is going to go. I said I don't know how it's going, but I know we have to get to a place where we can start tapping this stuff out of our hearts. Heart disease has caused many of the church to fail. It's caused many divisions amongst brothers and sisters. I'm telling you right now, if some of this stuff doesn't get straight in this church and all the rest of the churches, there's going to be a hairline fracture that breaks the camel's back and this one's going to go one way and that one's going to go another way and the spirit of God is going to flee from both of them.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah, my heavenly home is bright and fair. I feel like traveling on. No pain or death shall enter there. I feel like traveling on. Yes, I feel like traveling on and on. Yes, I feel like traveling on. Oh, my heavenly home is bright and fair. I feel like traveling on. No pain or death shall enter there. I feel like traveling on Until His blessed face. I see, I feel like traveling on. Oh, yes, I feel like traveling on.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I feel like traveling on.

Speaker 3:

My heavenly home is bright and fair. I feel like traveling on, sing it again. Oh, I feel like traveling on and on. Yes, I feel like traveling on.

Speaker 2:

My heavenly home is bright and fair. I feel like traveling on.

Speaker 3:

How many feel like traveling on this morning? How many feel like traveling on this morning? Sing to your feet over the house this morning as we pray. Can we come up to the front? It's been a while since I seen churches come to the front of the church again.

Speaker 2:

Oh until.

Speaker 3:

His face I see, I feel like traveling on. Come on, lift your hands. Lift your hands. Oh Father, we come before you in your precious name Jesus. Help us to get a heart transplant.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

God, help us to get all the black and the sludge and the hate and the immeasurance out of our hearts. Oh God, that we can have a pure heart and clean hands this morning. God, god, we need to this morning, god, to purify us, god, from the inside out. God, we're not looking to play no more games. We're not, we're not. We're not playing Paddy-Cack with the devil. We need you to move in this hour. We need you to touch us, god, by your surgical hands and give us new arteries.

Speaker 2:

God, take all the clawed arteries out of our bodies.

Speaker 3:

Give a clean path for your spirit to flow in. Once again, god, we're done with the form and fashion. We need a fresh anointing, a fresh word, and we need you to do it today. Oh great physician, come into our hearts and find goodness all over again. God, we look down on people that are not like us. We judge people that don't look like us, but give us a pure mind, god, god you said that, a wise man wins souls and we're asking you to give us the mind of a soul winner.

Speaker 3:

We're asking you to give us the mind of a heart regulator, because our hearts need to be regulated, they need to be tempered with your love and please be patient with us, because I know you're not through with us yet. Help us to not get ear to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, men or women that try to cause division in the body Division, in the home Division, in the church. Help us to come together in a spirit of unity and love, as your word says that your love covers a multitude of sins.

Speaker 3:

God, it's not an anything issue, it's a sin issue. It's the sins of the heart, and help us, god, to bury it under the cross. Help us to get down back to the foot of your cross, oh God, and humble ourselves down in your righteousness. Purchase with his hip that we may be cleansed. Wash us that we may be white as snow.

Speaker 3:

God that was in front of David in Psalms 51. We need to be a clean part of God, God. We need a clean part of God and hear your voice. We love you this morning, God. Let us reach out to you this morning, God. I'd never be born.

Speaker 3:

Come on, children reach out to the Lord this morning. Reach out to Him this morning. God, this was your last time in the house of the good God. You would do all you could do to reach out to Jesus. Oh, reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by your mind.

Speaker 2:

He's not too busy to hear your heart cry.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he's passing by this moment, all your needs are on the whole side to supply. Reach out and touch the Lord as.

Speaker 2:

He goes by one more time, so reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by.

Speaker 3:

Your mind. He's not too busy to hear your heart cry.

Speaker 2:

I call Him Amos Shazai.

Speaker 3:

For your time has just about come. For your time has just about come, but I say to ask of the temperance and the time of this fire.

Speaker 2:

And this ministry that now have asked me for.

Speaker 3:

I'll temper it with fire, but you must show much love. This is the word of the Lord.

Speaker 2:

So reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by. One more time, your mind, he's not too busy to hear your heart cry oh, he's passing by this moment. All your needs are on the whole side to supply.

Speaker 3:

So reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by.

Speaker 2:

I would have to say to me, my daughter.

Speaker 3:

You have walked in some lonely places in this life and you've had many of a broken heart and your broken hold is still on the wings of your arms. But I say, if you will give it over to me today, I shall take away all that fear. And I shall give you a heart of love even for that one who's hurt you and nearly tried to destroy you physically and mentally, I revoked that spirit out of you.

Speaker 3:

In the name of Jesus, come to the shatah and the hype. You, spirit of fear, leave her right now. In the name of Jesus, be thou made whole in the name of the Lord. Shatah and the hype Go in peace in the name of Jesus.

Speaker 2:

So reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by. You're fine, he's not too busy. Go to hear your heart cry. By this moment all your need will supply. So reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by.

Speaker 3:

Lift your hands to the Lord. This morning there's been a spirit of depression and anxiety trying to come upon you. I can feel it.

Speaker 2:

I can feel it trying to leave right now.

Speaker 3:

Anxiety. I evict you to come out of her in the name of Jesus. Right now you foul spirit of depression. I speak to you and I command you to come out of her heart and to come out of her mind now, in the name of Jesus. He taught of the whole shatah and the hype Daughter, be thou made whole, for I am the Lord of God who healeth thee. From this day, put me first in your life. I shall protect you and raise up a standard of evil against this matter that has come upon thee, and I shall be priests in your home in the name of the Lord.

Speaker 2:

So reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by, if your body's fun to visit or to hear your heart cry, or if he's passing by this moment all your needs and your sufferings.

Speaker 3:

So reach out and touch the Lord as he goes by.

Speaker 3:

Sister Paula, the Lord loves you and the enemy tries to torment you. He tries to make you angry at situations that you have no control over. But the Lord said, if you would give it to Him today whole time of a ha-shatah. For I am the Lord and I will speak peace to this matter. I say put your hands in it no longer and I will take care of this thing in the name of the Lord, and I command this oxygen level to come to normal. In the name of Jesus Loves, I command you, by the authority of the Holy Ghost, to wake up and to fill up, in the name of the Lord, whole time of a ha-shatah. Now you go home and you and pastor, unknowing the doors of your home, and command that spirit to leave your home. In the name of Jesus, hallelujah. Well, I feel the Holy Ghost in here. Well, why?

Speaker 3:

This is a little bit different from me. You know me a long time. I don't flow like this. Usually it's just a word. God's trying to do something for some of our people. A lot of us are just sitting around to die, and Jesus and I claim that she may have life and have that more abundantly. Another scripture says I will not die and declare the works of the Lord. I don't know why I'm saying that. I'm saying that for somebody in here this morning.

Speaker 2:

Sister Brown.

Speaker 3:

The saint, the Lord. He shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord. Thus saith I of a shatah and he saith I of a kaya. I have created thee by my own hand, and I am even going into the inner parts of your inner sides, right now.

Speaker 3:

I am creating you new insides. Right now, says the Lord. He shall declare the works of the Lord. By his stripes ye are healed. Handover will shatah, and I cast the spirit of fear off of you. I cast the spirit of death and worry about when you're going to die off of you. He shall not die, he shall live and declare the works of the Lord. That's what most of you need to say right now. I will not die and I shall declare the works of the Lord. Without the minister, there is no ministry. Without the anointing, there is no anointing. Without the prophet, there is no prophecy. But I'm not looking for another Elijah man to come. I'm not looking for another prophet to come. I'm looking for Jesus to come. People say that's just disrespect to the prophet. No, it's not. The prophet was our prophet. But Jesus is trying to get us into a place where he can use us just as much as he did the prophet, because there's no difference in any one of us that has the Holy Ghost, then what?

Speaker 3:

brother Terrell, brother Branham, brother Allen is all by the same spirit of God.

Speaker 3:

It's us who has respect for persons. I don't want him to lay hands on me. I'll wait for brother Ricky Prater to come lay hands on me. Brother Ricky can lay hands on me any day of the week if he wants to. He's a man of God. Brother Fletcher feels like he wants to lay hands on me. He's a man of God. He can lay hands on me any day of the week if he wants to. But it's not a new ministry, it's a Jesus ministry. It's a behold Jesus ministry. This was built on behold the Lamb, and you know what's going to be happening soon we're going to behold the Lamb, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the whole world.

Speaker 2:

He's coming.

Speaker 3:

He's coming. He's coming like a thief in the night. Then what? Two right here in this church has been gone? Santa, for the famous history, they were gone. He's not coming for everybody like a thief in the night. Sometimes a thief comes at the daytime. He's not going to be at night. They used to sing an old song when the role is called a beyonder. I'll be there as long as your name is on the road. Then you have gots to go. Amen, I love everybody. God bless you. Come on, give the Lord a praise.

Speaker 1:

See there's some real bansions right there. Let me know who brings the message to give us clean so God can bless us. Let me know that, praise God, it's all in the heart, that heart is not functioning right your whole body. It's not working.

Heart's Power in Faith and Healing
God's Call, Conversion, and Healing
Jealousy and Heart Issues in Churches
Walking With Jesus
Faith and Unity in Jesus Ministry